Sunday, January 3, 2021


 I have used Google Forms to created and distribute my audience questionnaire to send out to a wide range of age groups and genders who have different tastes in films, in order to further find a perfect target audience. It is easily accessible and has a simple and modern layout to allow the receiver to have a clear understanding of the questions and answer them clearly. The completed questionnaire allows me to collect a diverse set of data from the participants and therefore tells me about their film preferences. I can then use this information to find patterns between age groups and gender with favorable film genres. This will then allow me to market and distribute my film to my target audience in the way they are most likely to react to and make them want to watch my film. To do this, I asked them these questions: 

What's your age?

- 20 and under

- 21 to 35

- 35 and over

What gender are you?

- Male

- Female

- Prefer not to say

- Other

What genre of film do you prefer? 

- Action

- Thriller

- Horror

- Romcom

Do you like mystery in a film?

- Yes

- No

- Maybe

Do you tend to watch the trailer before deciding whether to watch a film?

- Yes

- No

- Sometimes

What platforms do you use to find out about films? 

- Cinema

- Social Media

- Website

- Television

How do you prefer to watch films?

- Distributing service (Netflix, Amazon Prime, NowTV)

- Cinema 

- Both

Are you influenced by any of the following?

- Reviews

- Recommendations

- Social Media

- Interviews

- Trailers 

1 comment:

  1. Good work. Now add the results of your Audience Questionnaire. Since you have now also completed an audience profile, you have these two items to use in your Creative Critical Reflection 2 on how you would engage with your audience and distribute your film.



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